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Hi, I'm Ryan Crandall, I'm a Career Coach, and Personal Development Mentor in Bend, Oregon.  I have helped over 500+ job seekers get their Target Job & increase their income.

Colleagues Going Over Plans

After working Internationally in the Recruitment, Sales, and Tech industry for 15 years, I've seen over 100,000+ resumes and have personally conducted over 10,000+ interviews. I know what works, what attracts Hiring Managers, and can coach you on how to land your dream job, get more interviews, and teach you tactics that you can't find anywhere else. 


I've also been the Top #1 Salesman (3x) at various SaaS Tech Sales Companies and currently lead both a Team of Recruiters and a Sales Team as the Lead Account Executive. I've consulted for multiple larger corporations on their Sales Process and Talent Acquisition Departments. 


(On a personal note, I'm a big believer in kaizen (continuous improvement) and have a passion for biohacking, personal development, pickleball, and outdoor adventure.)


About Me

My Services.

On Average, each job posting gets 220 applications, and each recruiter looks at a resume on average 7-15 seconds.  You need to make sure that you have the correct Tools to get the job interview.  Your resume is your first impression, and needs to be searchable, attractive, and tells your story. 

  • Create the Correct Resume that makes you stand out from the crowd


  • Make your Cover Letter and Linkedin reflect who you are and job that you want


  • Layer your Resume with ATS (Applicant Tracking System) Optimization that allows more Recruiters, CEO's, and Hiring Managers find our resume thus giving you more interviews

When you work with us, you can take advantage of features you won’t find anywhere else. We’re not satisfied with our work until our clients are, and offer the following to help ensure that happens every time.

We offer Private Career Coaching to help you get the best use of your time Job Searching, Mock Interviews to help you Prepare, and we'll even help you do Job Applications to find roles you didn't previously see.

  • 1-on-1 Career Coaching to help you position  yourself

  • Automated Job Applications to help you apply to more jobs faster.

  • Mock Interviews to Help you Prepare to impress

Let's Talk

"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."

Thomas Edison

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